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1119 West Elizabeth Street, Fort Collins, Colorado - 970-666-4842 -
Halloween weekend
Trick or treat at Solana Tattoo Company!
Friday, Oct. 28
* $16.66 + tip above-the-belt piercings
Internally threaded jewelry included
* Free tarot readings
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 29 and 30
* $66 get-what-you-get tattoo trick-or-treat bucket
* Hugely discounted flash from each of our artists with designs starting at $66
* $5 tarot readings
* BOGO tooth gems noon-4 Saturday and noon-5 Sunday
Wanna level up your costume?
Free face painting
Friday 5-8, Saturday 12-8, Sunday 12-5
Upgraded and custom face paint designs available.
First come, first served!
Open noon-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and noon-8 p.m. Sunday
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